Donate $1 Per Ticket to help provide mental health & wellness care to your touring crew!
How It Works On Tour
Fans buy a ticket that has a $1/surcharge.
During band settlement, venues cut a separate check to Sweet Relief, representing $1/ticket sold. Venues can receive tax write-offs for their contributions.
Donations are earmarked within Music’s Mental Health Fund (MMHF) at Sweet Relief.
Sweet Relief has list of names for band and crew so we know who is eligible for the earmarked funds.
Touring professionals reach out to Backline Case Managers who work 1:1 to find an appropriate referral to a Backline-partnering clinician.
MMHF will cover all or a portion of treatment costs based on grant amount determined by employer. This can be tiered relative to salaries.
A prominent touring band of 17 band + crew members recently signed on to participate in the Dollar Per Ticket campaign for their 2023 tour comprising of 43 shows. Through this program, the employer subsidizes the cost of mental health and wellness services for their musicians’ and crew members directly through ticket sales. Grants are given in $500 installments with no capacity. On average, this could cover approximately 6 therapy sessions per individual.