Team leaders, please feel free to use the following language, or modify however you like, to show support to your team during these times. It can be hard to find the right words to say, but the simple message of “I’m here for you” can make a world of a difference.
I want you to know I’m here for you.
As the music industry continues to face uncertainty, I know it can be challenging to move through your day-to-day responsibilities and show up as your best self. I don’t have all the answers, but can help point you in the right direction when you need me to.
Our friends over at Backline have created this resource hub to help you get back out on the road, show up for work, or come home from touring, with a more peaceful self. The resources include free access to mental health and wellness apps, assistance in finding an affordable therapist, communication tools, de-escalation tips, and more educational materials that might be useful during these times.
Take a look, or keep it in your back pocket. We need to stand together and have each other’s backs. I hope you find this helpful, and know that you can always be honest with me about how you’re feeling. This is a no judgement zone.
Take care of yourself,
Your Name