Category: Articles


Do’s and Don’ts When Talking to a Loved One About Addiction

In an industry that often promotes and encourages partying, recognizing that you or a loved one needs help can be […]


PREMIERE: Drunken Hearts – ‘Beat Up, Beat Down, and Broken’

Our friends in Drunken Hearts share their heartfelt new video for “Beat Up, Beat Down, and Broken” (Wildflower Sessions) with Backline as an exclusive […]


2021 Holiday Gift Guide

2021 HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE We are so excited to present our second annual holiday gift guide, featuring some of our […]


When Bad Things Happen: Common Responses to Trauma

Often times things that we don’t expect or could never fathom happen and become part of our realities. Facing unexpected […]


The 5 Stages of Grief and How To Get Through Them

Grief is a natural response to loss. It’s the emotional suffering you feel when something or someone you love is […]


Getting Out Of Thinking Traps

It’s easy to fall into negative thinking patterns and spend time bullying yourself, dwelling on the past, or worrying about […]